Masturbation & Self-pleasure

Masturbation: Exploring Its Benefits, Myths, and Impact on Wellness

Masturbation, a topic often shrouded in secrecy and misinformation, is a natural and common aspect…

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Five Naija Fitfam Accounts to Follow Right Now on Instagram

Five Naija Fitfam Accounts to Follow Right Now on Instagram

Looking for some inspiration, or just want to watch some content with good vibes while…

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Embracing Your Beautiful Imperfections: Overcoming Body Dysmorphia with Kindness and Confidence

Embracing Your Beautiful Imperfections: Defeating Body Dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia is a complex and often misunderstood mental health condition that affects individuals of…

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The Reason You're Struggling to Have a Consistent Workout Routine

The Real Reason You’re Struggling to Have a Consistent Workout Routine

We all have that one guy in our circle or contact list who seems to…

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Why The Paleo Diet Could Be The Perfect Choice For You
Why The Paleo Diet Could Be The Perfect Choice For You

Ever wondered what our ancestors used to munch on? The Paleo diet, also known as the…

How to Avoid Muscle Loss When You Skip the Gym
How to Avoid Muscle Loss (Atrophy) When You Skip the Gym

You’ve been hitting the gym hard for months, building up your strength and endurance. You’re…

The Ultimate Workouts for Better Sex: 5 Moves to Try Today
The Ultimate Workouts for Better Sex: 5 Moves to Try Today

Sexual health and performance are important aspects of well-being for many people. However, they can…

Eating Your Way to Fabulous Skin: SisiYėmmié's Expert Guide for Every Age
Eating Your Way to Fabulous Skin: SisiYėmmié’s Expert Guide for Every Age Group

We all want fabulous skin — that’s a fact you can take to the bank.…

Abs Are Made in the Kitchen: Myth or Fact?
Abs Are Made in the Kitchen: Debunking the Myth & Revealing the Science-backed Truth

“Six packs,” “abs,” “flat tummy” – we’ve all wanted that or some variation of it…

Why Women Should Lift Weights for a Stronger Body and Mind
Break the Myth: Why Women Should Lift Weights for a Stronger Body and Mind

Will you end up looking like a man if you take up resistance training (aka…


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Fitness Cheat Codes: Effortless Strategies for a Healthier You
Fitness Cheat Codes: Effortless Strategies for a Healthier You

Embarking on a fitness journey often conjures images of strict diets, gruelling gym sessions, and…

Ten Great Christmas Gift Ideas for the Fitness Fanatic in Your Life
Ten Great Christmas Gift Ideas for the Fitness Fanatic in Your Life

The holiday season is upon us, and if you have a gym rat friend, family…

Five Naija Fitfam Accounts to Follow Right Now on Instagram
Five Naija Fitfam Accounts to Follow Right Now on Instagram

Looking for some inspiration, or just want to watch some content with good vibes while…

Improve your Flexibility
The Best Exercises for Improving Flexibility

Flexibility is an important part of overall fitness. It can help to improve your range…

Why Do We Gain Weight?
Why Do We Gain Weight?: 10 Key Factors Explained

Maintaining a healthy weight is a goal shared by many, but understanding the science behind…

Sculpt Your Core with These Killer Ab Exercises: Weighted vs. Bodyweight
Sculpt Your Core with These Killer Ab Exercises

Ready to take your core game to the next level? Whether you’re hitting the gym…


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Nutritional Supplements
The Essential Guide to Nutritional Supplements: What They Are and When You Need Them

Nutritional supplements are designed to boost your daily nutrient intake. They come in various forms…

Gut Health
The Key to a Healthy Gut: Understanding Gut Health

Your gut is like the control centre of your body’s health. It’s not just about…

Quick Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Quick Guide to Intermittent Fasting for Effective Weight Management

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular and sustainable weight management strategy that alternates between periods…

How to Calculate Your Calorie Needs
How to Calculate Your Calorie Needs for Weight Loss and Muscle Building

Embarking on a journey to lose weight and build muscle? Understanding your body’s calorie needs…

The Glycemic Index - Naija Fitfam
The Glycemic Index: What You Need to Know to Make Healthier Food Choices

Understanding how different foods impact our blood sugar levels is key to making informed choices…

PCOS and Nutrition: A Guide to Eating for Better Reproductive Health
PCOS and Nutrition: A Guide to Eating for Better Reproductive Health

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects up to 10% of…

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